"Heartbroken": Weston Jewish Leaders React to Recent Anti-Semitic Incidents
Published: Miami New Times I NOVEMBER 2, 2022 8:31AM
On the morning of Oct. 5, during the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, residents of a community in the City of Weston awoke to disturbing anti-Semitic and racial slurs graffitied across their neighborhood.
Scrawled across sidewalks and public bathroom walls in the manicured community in Broward County's westernmost city were large swastikas and the phrase "kill Jews." Residents quickly took to consoling each other in a state of disgust and confusion: Who would do this? Was this one of our neighbors?
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Purim to be celebrated almost a year after pandemic began
South Florida Jewish institutions will once again host events celebrating the holiday of Purim, which takes place from Feb. 25-26.
This year’s celebrations take place either virtually or in-person with COVID-19 safety regulations in place. They also have a special significance to the host organizations as the virus’ spread around the country was underway during Purim last year.
Cantor Lori Brock of Temple Beth El of Boca Raton said, “The last in-person celebration we had in 2020 was Purim.”
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From Purim to Purim: One year under COVID-19 | Opinion
As Jews have done for centuries, the holiday of Purim will celebrate the survival and resiliency of the Jewish people.
This year, the joyous observance will take place on Feb. 25, bringing to light an even deeper significance.
Purim 2021 will go beyond the age-old observance of triumph over evil. It will mark one calendar year that our lives have been taken over by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Last year, Purim fell on March 9 and shortly afterward our lives changed as we began to face days filled with uncertainty.
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Welcome Rabbi Marci Bloch
Weston Life Magazine Article I July 2020
The city of Weston welcomes Rabbi Marci Bloch as a new spiritual leader in our community. Rabbi Bloch begins her new position at Temple Dor Dorim this July. Previously Rabbi Bloch served at Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca Raton and Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs. Rabbi Bloch is looking forward to meeting the members of the congregation and is excited to bring family -friendly creative programming to the temple.
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Rabbi Marci R. Bloch joins the Temple Dor Dorim Community
July 2020

Rabbi Marci R. Bloch is proud to be joining the Temple Dor Dorim Community in July of2020. Her gifts are many, but she particularly enjoys pastoral care, Jewish healing, and creative ritual. She has great passion for family education, life-long learning, and working with youth and young adults. Above all, she loves creating sacred relationships with others, inspiring people to live meaningfully and grow toward their best selves. She encourages people to develop their souls by actively engaging in tikun olam (repairing the world), mitzvot, and relationship with God.
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PJ Library, Broward synagogues engage children, families in summer activities
BY: Sergio Carmona
Published SunSentential - Florida Jewish Journal: JUL 03, 2019
PJ Library of the Jewish Federation of Broward County has partnered with area synagogues to provide summer programming for young children and their families.
A program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and local Jewish organizations. Families with children ages 6 months through 11 years old with Judaism as part of their lives are welcome to sign up. PJ Library welcomes all Jewish families, whatever their background, knowledge, family make-up or observance may be.
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Community heals, gives thanks at interfaith service in Coral Springs
BY: Sergio Carmona
Published SunSentential - Florida Jewish Journal: 11/21/2018
Approximately 600 people of different faiths came together at Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs for the annual Coral Springs/Parkland pre-Thanksgiving Interfaith Unity Service.
The service included participation of clergy from different houses of worship in Parklandand Coral Springs as well as Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky and Coral Springs Mayor Pro Tempore Lou Cimaglia. There were also musical performances that moved and uplifted the community, which is reeling from the shooting tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland in which 17 people died earlier this year.
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Synagogues provide healing services during Rosh Hashanah
BY: Sergio Carmona
Published SunSentinel - Florida Jewish Journal : 9/14/2018
Rosh Hashanah services were different this year for both Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs and Congregation Kol Tikvah in Parkland in the aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting tragedy as the synagogues used healing tallitotprovided by the Union For Reform Judaism’s Camp Coleman.
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Synagogue rolls blessings for Marjory Stoneman Douglas students
BY: Sergio Carmona
Published SunSentential - Florida Jewish Journal: 6/6/2018
A recent rainy day couldn't deter volunteers from going to Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs and rolling blessings for students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland .
TBO was deeply affected by the Feb. 14 MSD shooting in which 17 people were killed. The Reform synagogue is located approximately five miles from the high school and its membership families include students and teachers at MSD. Within days of the shooting, the synagogue formed an MSD Response Team that puts together at least one social action program a month for healing.
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Finding the Opportunity in Crisis
Published ReformJudaism.org: 4/26/2018
The day after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, we arranged to have numerous counselors at our congregation, Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs, FL, to work with students, teachers, parents, staff, and lay leaders. In a group session a few days later, a trauma specialist taught us that the way to say “crisis” in Chinese is weiji, which is invoked by two Chinese characters that mean “danger” and “opportunity.” He explained that the horrific, horrible act – the danger – had already happened to our community, and now, we needed to find the opportunity. (I’ve since learned that the definition of the second character as “opportunity” is, in fact, a mistranslation, but the lesson – as hard as it was to hear – did prove to be timely and invaluable nonetheless.)
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Shining the spotlight on women rabbis
BY: Alan Goch • Opinion
Published Jewish Journal Newsletter: 3/19/2018
Women who have chosen to make the rabbinate their life's work are becoming more commonplace these days, including many serving South Florida's congregations, but the struggle for equality in a profession that has always been male-dominated has had a slow and challenging ascent to the pulpit.
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Synagogue hosts Marjory Stoneman Douglas benefit concert
BY: Sergio Carmona
Published SunSentinel - Florida Jewish Journal : 3/9/2018
Musical artist Chava Mirel's recent performance at Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs moved, uplifted and healed a community still reeling from the shooting tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.
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Florida school shooting: See the latest updates
BY: South Florida Sun Sentinel
Published 2/19/2018
Rabbi Marci Bloch at Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs spoke to several hundred people who held candles Monday evening to remember the victims and pledged to do what they could to prevent another tragedy.
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Should Religion Exist?
BY: Rabbi Marci R. Bloch, Temple Beth Orr
Published The Parklander: January/2018
Each of us probably has someone in our family who challenges us. For me, that person has always been my cousin, Danny. As long as I can remember, he has argued with me at the holiday dinner table about why I think religion has value.
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Temple Beth Orr's new senior rabbi excited to lead congregation
BY: Sergio Carmona
Published SunSentinel - Florida Jewish Journal : 7/27/2017
There's a new senior rabbi at Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs.
Rabbi Marci Bloch, who became the senior rabbi at Temple Beth Orr on July 1, said regarding her new leadership position, "I'm really excited about this opportunity to bring my heart and my passion for Judaism and my love of people to this community.
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“Grow to Give” is the brainchild of Rabbi Marci R. Bloch of Congregation B’nai Israel. The participants, including Rabbi Bloch, have grown their hair out and will donate it to either Locks of Love (10 inches) or Pantene Beautiful Lengths (8 inches). Rabbi Bloch started Grow to Give in 2014 after losing yet another member of the synagogue to cancer. All proceeds from the event will go to cancer research. Hairstylists will donate their time to cut hair and provide blowouts to the donors.
I'll Keep Working My Way Back to You (God) with a Burning Love Inside
Published REFORMJUDAISM.ORG: 5/05/2012
In our "get-it-now" culture, we have come to expect everything we want in an instant. We are hooked on instant messaging, instant answers to our searches, even instant coffee. But what about forming a relationship with God? Can such a sacred connection be forged in an instant? Is it reasonable to expect to find God through a Google search or by coming to Temple just that one time?